Unconventional Guides Series

Introduction to the Series

The Tree of Exploration

The Tree of Exploration  

I am delighted to extend my warmest invitation to accompany me on my exploration of the world that surrounds us. Oftentimes, this world, so abundant and magnificent, goes unnoticed, regrettably neglected by those preoccupied with the affairs of everyday life.

Allow me to unveil my humble mission: to foster awareness and deep appreciation for the marvels of the natural world. My intention is to illuminate the profound significance inherent in acquiring knowledge and understanding of nature's inhabitants.

May I extend to you the honor of inviting you to embark upon this enlightening apprenticeship, where the ultimate reward lies in the ability to keenly observe and decipher the subtle signs that Nature graciously presents to us.

My aspiration is to influence minds, both youthful and mature, to embrace an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and to embrace a genuine concern for the delicate tapestry of the natural world.

Currently, I have two sections in mind for this series: the Unconventional Guide to Becoming a Veritable Whisperer of Nature and the Unconventional Guide to Composition, with the latter focusing on capturing the representations of the soul of Nature through photography.

As the Series title suggests, I aim to introduce you to a completely unconventional approach where you may find it necessary to let go of traditional textbook knowledge and embrace a fresh perspective.